A component that resists the flow of electrical energy. As a result, resistors change the voltage and current in the circuit. Resistor values are measured in ohms (represented by the Greek letter omega: Ω). The colored stripes on the resistor indicate its resistance value and tolerance.

Resistors usually have two wire leads, one in each end. Electricity can flow either direction through a resistor, which means that resistors can face either direction in a circuit.

A resistor is an electrical component that resists the flow of electrons and helps control the amount of current flowing through the circuit. Resistors work by converting certain amounts of electrical energy to heat by creating resistance in the circuit.

The value of a resistor indicates how much resistance will be added to the circuit. Recall that resistance is measured in ohms. A 220-ohm resistor will add 220 ohms of resistance to the circuit. A 10-megohm (10 MΩ) resistor will add 10,000,000 ohms of resistance to a circuit.

Resistors are usually marked with either four or five color bands. These bands indicate resistance. Each color represents a different value.


A resistor is considered a non-polarized component. That means it doesn’t matter which way the resistor faces in the circuit.
